Are you a Mary or Martha?

Striving to get ahead can become exhausting when things don’t work out the way you want them to. In the middle of problems it is helpful to remind yourself what the purpose of your life is. Putting priorities straight and being aware of the way you do things is important even to Jesus. There is a story recorded about this in Luke 10:38-42. It’s a story about two women named Mary and Martha.

The world applauds achievement but Jesus desires intimacy and is looking for people who express their love for Him. If you feel that you are caught up in the rat race of life, maybe now is the time to evaluate your motives. Asking your self what the reason is for being so driven can help to bring clarity to you. Are you ambitious and trying to prove to yourself or others that you can accomplish great things? Do you believe that your value is based on performance?

Most of my life I have been a high achiever but I often hit rock bottom and accused God of not caring. Martha said to Jesus “Do you not care?” Like Martha I doubted God’s goodness and His love for me and these doubts caused me to try to take matters in to my own hands. Believing that God was holding back from me led me to depression, sickness and thoughts of suicide. I believed that my worth was connected to my performance and just like Martha I grew weary of much serving.

When Jesus rebuked Martha, He wasn’t rebuking her ACT. He was rebuking her ATTITUDE of allowing service to irritate, agitate and absorb her. Luke 10:27 tells us to love God and love others. There is a time to serve others, but only after we have first learned how to develop a relationship with God. Service without devotion is exhausting and hopeless. Spirituality without service is barren and selfish. Learning to balance work and worship is the key.

The only requirement for a deeper friendship with God is showing up with an open heart ready to receive from Him. He paid the price and all we need to do is come. Finding a quiet place to be honest with God and myself was a turning point in my life. As I openly communicated my frustrations to Him, I became free from the many burdens that would weigh me down. Talking to God and allowing Him to lead and direct me, allowed me to live with a peaceful assurance that He is there with me. As I lean on Him and freely receive His love and companionship, the focus of my service to others doesn’t come from a sense of duty, but rather love. As I abide in Him service becomes less of a burden and more of a joy. I want to help others because of the love that I receive daily from Him.

Are you a Mary or are you a Martha? Be both!